Why did the chicken cross the street?

March 29, 2008 – 8:33 am

Because my last post seems to be a little bit darker than usual, I’ll try to balance things out with something lighthearted. It’s still one of those days, but sulking will do me no good.

So here’s one of mankind greatest unsolvable mystery of all time. Even great minds can’t seem to figure this out:

Why did the chicken cross the street?

Here’s some of the answers:

Primary school teacher: Because the chicken wanted to go to the other part.

Plato: The chicken was looking for knowledge.

Aristotle: It was in the chicken’s nature to cross the street.

Captain Kirk: To go where no chicken has gone before.

Machiavelli: The chicken crossed the street. No one cares why. The end of crossing the street justifies any motive.

Freud: The fact that you are worried whether the chicken did or did not cross the street reveals your sexual insecurity.

Moses: And God came down from heaven and said to the chicken: “Cross the street.” And the chicken crossed and everyone rejoiced.

Darwin: The chicken was naturally selected in a way that they now have a genetic disposition to cross streets.

Einstein: Whether the chicken crossed the street or the street moved below the chicken depends of your mark of reference.

Hemingway: To die. Under the rain.

Homer: It was its destiny.

Christopher Columbus: The chicken was discovering the other side of the street.

Donald Trump
: So what? I paid the chicken to cross it. By the way, you’re fired!

Nietzsche: The chicken was dancing in ring of fire obsessed for it’s will of power… Thus spoke Chickenthustra.

Obi-Wan Kenobi
: Because the force was with the chicken.

Fox Mulder: The chicken thought that the truth was across the street.

Descartes: The chicken said: I cross the street ergo, I’m a chicken.

So, why did the chicken cross the street?

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