britney in rehab after shaving head

February 21, 2007 – 10:52 pm

Britney Spears has voluntarily checked herself into an undisclosed rehab facility today. We ask that the media respect her privacy as well as those of her family and friends at this time.

britney back in rehabBritney is in rehab again. Last time she was in there for 24 hours. This time, she might hopefully stay for 24 hours and 1 second, and that would be an improvement. And after that she will not be only shaving her head. She’ll probably be skinning herself. Which is gross and not good at all. For her own good though, she should really stay in rehab until she gets better.

And speaking of shaving heads, reports say that the reason she shaved her head is that her soon-to-be ex-hubby (he who shall not be named) threatened her that he’ll get her hair tested for drugs.

They had a huge argument. Kevin threatened Britney that he was going to have people test her hair to find out exactly what she’s been up to. She was so scared. That was what made her have her head shaved

britney's wig, without wigAnd after shaving her hair Friday she went to the Mondrian Hotel in an electric blue wig where sources say they saw her shaving her legs at the pool and crying after she was refused a room.

She didn’t have any credit cards, she didn’t have any cash… I don’t even believe she had any I.D.,” dished US Weekly’s Katrina Szish. “She was depressed and confused. The general consensus is we’re seeing Britney have a breakdown before our very eyes.

People are confused as to what to feel or say about this. For one thing, you should probably pity her coz she lost all her hair and coulnd’t get a room. and then you realize that she have hundreds of million in her bank account, so you start to hate her. And then again, you

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