It’s Been Busy

October 22, 2007 – 8:37 am

Whoa! I have been barely able to take a breather last week. In addition to my now mounting work responsilibities, I’m also tackling deanlines for my graduate school requirements and then there’s some more “stuff” happening in the background.

Part of the reason I’m now up to this with deadlines is that I spent last Friday (that’s Oct 12) with the whole family and we went to Tubungan. It was the Feast of the Ramadhan so we didn’t have any work and I was planning to catch up with things for that day. I was actually already in front of the computer, ready to tackle things but one of my cousins came by and convinced me to go. And since everybody was going, I was inclined to go too.

It’s always fun to go to Tubungan (my mother’s hometown). I guess it’s because we get to spend some time with the family and just let loose. And being close to nature adds a nice touch.

Here’s a shot of the rickety hanging bridge.

Hanging bridge in Tubungan

I say bridge because this is barely a bridge. It’s made of bamboo poles thrown across very rusty steel wires. The poles aren’t even tied to the wires. I must admit that I’m deathly afraid of crossing that bridge and I’ve done so only once, and that was when I was in my daredevil mode. would you actually dare to cross this bridge?

This bridge connects two mountains together. However, if you’re like me who doesn’t want to fall into oblivion, then you would be forced to cross the river (see under the bridge). This river isn’t too deep usually just knee-high, so it isn’t as bad as crossing a bamboo bridge and hearing creaks everytime you take a step.

The reason for all this trouble is for us to get some coconuts. My lolo has some coconuts (and other fruit trees) planted there. Everytime we go to Tubungan we make it a point to get some coconuts, hence all the trouble (not really trouble as it is actually quite fun).

Cousins atop the Kamunsil tree

Here is all of us atop the kamunsil tree. I’m not sure if the tree is dead (it sure looks like it) since most kamunsil trees actually look dead if they don’t have fruit.

Here is the four of us just clicking away. It sure does look that we’re having a lot of fun. And we are! We plan to go back to Tubungan for my Lola’s (grandmother) death anniversary on October 29th.

Stay tuned.

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