the past in the present

February 13, 2007 – 1:51 am

a little good surprise from an acquaintance. remember my Globe OJT days in cebu. the one where good and changes has been made? well, i can’t believe that sir jammes has sent me an email. nothing big, as he was just saying hello. but then i wasn’t expecting it so it was really a good surprise. it just dawned on me that maybe we did leave some impact (happy and fun memories) on them because after three years, i wouldn’t expect them to even remember us, lest even say hello.

now realize how really great my experience in cebu back then. it was nearly 3 years ago but i still think fondly of the memories. the experience had this surreal feeling about it.

am getting a little bit nostalgic here. but i will try not to be. can’t really believe that the 6 weeks that i spent there would create such a drastic change in my life. i have to admit that i did change after that experience. it’s a bittersweet experience. i had the time of my life there and i didn’t even realize it then. until now, there are still the “what ifs” that’s haunting me… it is quite heartbreaking. but after 3 years i have learned that if things are not meant to be, then they will never be.

in the end, i am still thankful. i realized that you can’t take things for granted. even the little things that i always do take for granted. you can’t just let special moments pass by because you will never get second chances. i had a lot of those moments and sadly (because i am a fool), i had let them all go past me.

somehow, i have this uncanny ability of ignoring things. if i have to hate one thing about me, it’s that i tend to be too unmindful of the things that are happening around me. sometime, i just don’t give a damn. that is totally my insensitive nature taking over. it’s sad but true.

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